Niche coaching utilizes core coaching principles along with highly specialized processes focused on a particular area that assist clients toward achieving their goal. Popular coaching niches include: health, career, life purpose, happiness, goal attainment, executive, fitness, dating, spiritual and business. There are dozens of other, more specialized niches. Many coaches narrow their focus by working exclusively with a specific age group or population which they can uniquely relate to, such as empty-nesters, retirees, recent graduates, or people rebuilding their lives after illness. Other coaches offer services in which their lifetime’s worth of career experience can serve as a catalyst for their clients’ careers, such as entrepreneurs coaching budding entrepreneurs, seasoned sales professionals coaching budding salespeople, or anyone with expertise that someone else would want access to.
In the rapidly growing field of life coaching, focusing on a targetable, highly motivated niche market has become a key to success because it:
• Helps you stand out from the crowd because your clients are coming to you for specific results that you are offering, rather than simply general “coaching”
• Takes the guesswork out of coaching because your coaching process is structured around a specific outcome
• Increases your confidence because you’re coaching based what you know and have experienced yourself
• Makes marketing EASY because you are a) promoting a specific RESULT and b) know exactly who your ideal clients are
Because of this, focusing your life coaching around a specific niche area is the most profitable AND fulfilling type of coaching.
Find out more about how to choose the right niche! CLICK HERE