Happy Customers
Individual Testimonials
Rossana M.
My Coaching Journey Continues. Second programme completed with Transformation Academy! So wonderful and inspiring programme. I am so glad to have received this guidance and I can’t wait to guide my existing clients and new ones on their healing path. Thank you so much!

Andy Raingold
Life Purpose Coach
I have been around the internet world learning various topics within a wide range of subjects for about 15 years now and constantly see online marketers using words such as “over deliver” in relationship to the value they provide but I have never seen anything like the “over delivery of value” as the Life Purpose Coach Certification program. They over delivered massively and am so grateful they did because I gained more value from the program than I could imagine… and I have a great imagination. I ordered two more courses from their company because of it and plan to purchase more in the future. All I can say is thanks Joeel & Natalie Rivera for the fantastic course and the start it will give me in my new career.
Love from Our Students

Sheramí Conesa
Master Life Coach
Before enrolling in Joeel & Natalie courses, I spent time and money trying to understand Life Coaching. I have enrolled in 16 of their courses and I have completed six of them. I love to receive the completion email stating they are doing the happy dance for me! What makes me keep enrolling in their courses is the feeling that I’m getting the right education. Their videos are professional, well thought and planned. All the information provided is clear, realistic and useful. The resources provided are a good guide and very helpful. They are my top instructors and a model to follow. I’m looking forward to finishing my remaining 10 courses and more to come, and of course, keep learning from the best!

Mimi Moses
Master Life Coach
WAAAAAHOOOOOO!!! I LOVE being a Transformation Academy student and will likely remain so as long as you continue to roll out fantastic classes. What an awesome journey and NOW it’s TIME to implement what I am learning. Marketing Masterclass and Group Coaching Certification here I COME! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR ANSWERING YOUR CALL to guide others in answering theirs! May you be BLESSED EXCEEDINGLY, ABUNDANTLY, ABOVE ANYTHING you could ask or think according to the RICHES and GLORY of UNIVERSAL LOVE! A Student for LIFE!

Evelyn Kim
Professional Life Coach
I hold gratitude for Natalie and Joeel guiding me in becoming a life coach. I’ve seen that they have deep knowledge about different life coaching methodologies, which they introduce in concise, easy-to-understand ways. I resonate with Natalie and Joeel as instructors and people, because they integrate their professional and personal backstories into the course content. That’s why I choose to continue learning from them about coaching.

Paul Budish
Master Life Coach
I started the track toward the Master Life Coach Cert as a way to hold myself accountable to grow as an individual, but it has been a game-changer in my personal life. Even if I never coach – personally I am making big moves toward living a more authentic version of myself. I am a CEO of a successful growing company but have sensed I am deeply on a wrong trajectory. I’ve found your courses so profound and academically weighty, I mean wow, Rogers, Jung, Jordan B Peterson, and cutting-edge neuroscience synthesized into “here’s how to move your life forward”… I am eternally grateful you 2 found each other and teamed up for these courses!
Round of applause to you and thank you from just 1 life you have changed. You guys have sparked a lot of inspiration in me and I am SO grateful! Rawk on!

Barbara Wood
Goal Success Coach
I want you to know I think your courses are very very good! I am working through most of the activities as I go and they are truly life-changing. I really appreciate the nice downloadable worksheets you provide. I feel like I really have the resources necessary to coach a client! I am enrolled in a couple of your courses on building a coaching business and am hoping to gain the confidence to “do this thing!” But of course, the main thing is to just get out there and try!

Miriam Burke
Professional Life Coach
This course was truly AMAZING! I was surprised with the amount and depth of content this online program has to offer! I have gone through many face-to-face coaching courses and this one leaves nothing to desire. The content is thorough and in-depth, the presentation is dynamic and not boring at all (which can happen with online courses), the worksheets and handouts are on point: right amount of information and a ton of different and appropriate activities to get you and your clients on the right path to achieving your goals. At times I felt I was right there in the classroom with them. I love how expressive, passionate and knowledgeable they both are. A perfect pair of teachers!

Julio Briones
Entrepreneurship Coach
I have now completed 4 courses and all I can say is WOW! Thanks for the great info, I had been struggling with course development and thanks to Natalie and Joeel, I have created 6 live workshops and 1 group course. I have been booked to do a workshop series with a skilled nursing facility and launch my group course. Great information, it really helped me find the right direction for my company.

Nada Adams
Professional Life Coach
These instructors are professional and very knowledgeable. I’m an advanced coach with over 14 years experience. I found this training very current and relevant for anyone wanting to become a coach. The tools provided are great and very useful to share with clients. This course was filled with tons of relevant content given by 2 heart-centered teachers. Every aspect of running a coaching business was thought of and they provided necessary tools to help you get started like a professional.

Jade D. James Robalo
Professional Life Coach
From Zero to Hero Life Coaching guide. Very comprehensive, delivered in a fun modality. Dwells into the establishing of a niche, doing market research, defining one’s price, and different modalities of coaching. Deeply insightful and the materials are delivered in an easy-to-follow, clear, and concise modality that I could follow even when commuting or doing my work at my day job. Anyone willing to take on the amazing adventure of personal transformation, or anyone wanting to coach others through the clarity of their own experience should take a listen to what Joeel and Natalie have to say.

Rashana Awatramani
Counseling Psychologist
The coaching course with Joeel and Natalie from Transformation Academy has helped me to enhance my skill sin my psychology practice. I regularly use the materials and worksheets that I have received from the training; it has made my work effortless with my clients.

William Sinclair
Professional Life Coach
The “Master Your Money Mindset” course is an amazing eye-opening course on breaking through any blocks you have about making and having an abundance of money. I came from a poverty mentality, almost that poor people are the real people. Or, that if you wanted money you were bad, because there are so many starving people in the world. In a beautiful and heartfelt way, Joeel and Natalie, through this course, have shown me differently. It has been life-transforming for me and has totally changed the way I look at money.