Explore Joeel and Natalie’s podcasts, including long-form interviews with inspirational entrepreneurs and online course creators, short insights on personal development, life coaching tools, and sharing their own story of turning pain into purpose.

Episode 2: The Power of the Subconscious Mind and Entrepreneurship
In this episode, Joeel & Natalie interview Rena Greenberg of Easy Willpower. Rena shares about how her experience having a pacemaker implanted in her heart at the age of 26 pushed her to go from living a self-destructive, 24-hour-on-the-go college student in Manhattan lifestyle to a life of eating healthy, balance, and meditation. This transformation pulled her to get her degree in bio-psychology and become a hypnotherapist so she could help others be relieved of their suffering through the power of the subconscious mind. Rena turned the curse in her life into a blessing that has allowed her to help hundreds of thousands of people.
Meet the Host

Rena Greenberg’s success with weight loss hypnosis and gastric bypass hypnosis has been featured in 150+ news stories including USA Today, Woman’s World Magazine, The Doctor’s Show, CNN, FOX-TV, Good Morning America and ABC-TV Nightline, and her own show on PBS.
Rena’s wellness program has been reviewed and sponsored in 75 hospitals and 100+ major corporations, including Walt Disney World, AT&T and Home Depot, since 1990.
She is the Author of The Right Weigh (Hay House Publishing) and The Craving Cure (McGraw-Hill Publishing).
Rena holds a degree in bio-psychology from the City University of New York and a master’s degree in spiritual healing from the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism. She is also a hypnosis and NLP trainer and is nationally board certified in biofeedback therapy.
Rena attended the Barbara Brennan School of Healing for three years.
Rena works with people all over the world, speaking to groups and on Skype and face-to-face in Florida, to improve their health, break free from addictions, lose weight, improve their relationships and achieve their goals.
Rena can be reached at EasyWillpower.com and RenasOrganic.com .