We have served 700,000+ happy students from 200 countries and territories. Hear what they have to say below!
Student Testimonial Compilation
Individual Testimonials
Love from Our Students

Andy Raingold
Life Purpose Coach
I have been around the internet world learning various topics within a wide range of subjects for about 15 years now and constantly see online marketers using words such as “over deliver” in relationship to the value they provide but I have never seen anything like the “over delivery of value” as the Life Purpose Coach Certification program. They over delivered massively and am so grateful they did because I gained more value from the program than I could imagine… and I have a great imagination. I ordered two more courses from their company because of it and plan to purchase more in the future. All I can say is thanks Joeel & Natalie Rivera for the fantastic course and the start it will give me in my new career.

Sheramí Conesa
Master Life Coach
Before enrolling in Joeel & Natalie courses, I spent time and money trying to understand Life Coaching. I have enrolled in 16 of their courses and I have completed six of them. I love to receive the completion email stating they are doing the happy dance for me! What makes me keep enrolling in their courses is the feeling that I’m getting the right education. Their videos are professional, well thought and planned. All the information provided is clear, realistic and useful. The resources provided are a good guide and very helpful. They are my top instructors and a model to follow. I’m looking forward to finishing my remaining 10 courses and more to come, and of course, keep learning from the best!

Mimi Moses
Master Life Coach
WAAAAAHOOOOOO!!! I LOVE being a Transformation Academy student and will likely remain so as long as you continue to roll out fantastic classes. What an awesome journey and NOW it’s TIME to implement what I am learning. Marketing Masterclass and Group Coaching Certification here I COME! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR ANSWERING YOUR CALL to guide others in answering theirs! May you be BLESSED EXCEEDINGLY, ABUNDANTLY, ABOVE ANYTHING you could ask or think according to the RICHES and GLORY of UNIVERSAL LOVE! A Student for LIFE!

Evelyn Kim
Professional Life Coach
I hold gratitude for Natalie and Joeel guiding me in becoming a life coach. I’ve seen that they have deep knowledge about different life coaching methodologies, which they introduce in concise, easy-to-understand ways. I resonate with Natalie and Joeel as instructors and people, because they integrate their professional and personal backstories into the course content. That’s why I choose to continue learning from them about coaching.

Paul Budish
Master Life Coach
I started the track toward the Master Life Coach Cert as a way to hold myself accountable to grow as an individual, but it has been a game-changer in my personal life. Even if I never coach – personally I am making big moves toward living a more authentic version of myself. I am a CEO of a successful growing company but have sensed I am deeply on a wrong trajectory. I’ve found your courses so profound and academically weighty, I mean wow, Rogers, Jung, Jordan B Peterson, and cutting-edge neuroscience synthesized into “here’s how to move your life forward”… I am eternally grateful you 2 found each other and teamed up for these courses!
Round of applause to you and thank you from just 1 life you have changed. You guys have sparked a lot of inspiration in me and I am SO grateful! Rawk on!

Barbara Wood
Goal Success Coach
I want you to know I think your courses are very very good! I am working through most of the activities as I go and they are truly life-changing. I really appreciate the nice downloadable worksheets you provide. I feel like I really have the resources necessary to coach a client! I am enrolled in a couple of your courses on building a coaching business and am hoping to gain the confidence to “do this thing!” But of course, the main thing is to just get out there and try!

Miriam Burke
Professional Life Coach
This course was truly AMAZING! I was surprised with the amount and depth of content this online program has to offer! I have gone through many face-to-face coaching courses and this one leaves nothing to desire. The content is thorough and in-depth, the presentation is dynamic and not boring at all (which can happen with online courses), the worksheets and handouts are on point: right amount of information and a ton of different and appropriate activities to get you and your clients on the right path to achieving your goals. At times I felt I was right there in the classroom with them. I love how expressive, passionate and knowledgeable they both are. A perfect pair of teachers!

Julio Briones
Entrepreneurship Coach
I have now completed 4 courses and all I can say is WOW! Thanks for the great info, I had been struggling with course development and thanks to Natalie and Joeel, I have created 6 live workshops and 1 group course. I have been booked to do a workshop series with a skilled nursing facility and launch my group course. Great information, it really helped me find the right direction for my company.

Nada Adams
Professional Life Coach
These instructors are professional and very knowledgeable. I’m an advanced coach with over 14 years experience. I found this training very current and relevant for anyone wanting to become a coach. The tools provided are great and very useful to share with clients. This course was filled with tons of relevant content given by 2 heart-centered teachers. Every aspect of running a coaching business was thought of and they provided necessary tools to help you get started like a professional.

Jade D. James Robalo
Professional Life Coach
From Zero to Hero Life Coaching guide. Very comprehensive, delivered in a fun modality. Dwells into the establishing of a niche, doing market research, defining one’s price, and different modalities of coaching. Deeply insightful and the materials are delivered in an easy-to-follow, clear, and concise modality that I could follow even when commuting or doing my work at my day job. Anyone willing to take on the amazing adventure of personal transformation, or anyone wanting to coach others through the clarity of their own experience should take a listen to what Joeel and Natalie have to say.

Rashana Awatramani
Counseling Psychologist
The coaching course with Joeel and Natalie from Transformation Academy has helped me to enhance my skill sin my psychology practice. I regularly use the materials and worksheets that I have received from the training; it has made my work effortless with my clients.

William Sinclair
Professional Life Coach
The “Master Your Money Mindset” course is an amazing eye-opening course on breaking through any blocks you have about making and having an abundance of money. I came from a poverty mentality, almost that poor people are the real people. Or, that if you wanted money you were bad, because there are so many starving people in the world. In a beautiful and heartfelt way, Joeel and Natalie, through this course, have shown me differently. It has been life-transforming for me and has totally changed the way I look at money.
Below you will a sampling of our
5-Star Testimonials!
(We have received over 45,000 total reviews)
They appear in alphabetical order, by course.
Tai Caldwell
Confidence Life Coach Certification
This course was absolutely EXCELLENT. No, this is NOT a paid review. I was unaware that there was coach training “specifically” for confidence, so I was elated when I found Joeel & Natalie Rivera’s course AND at a great price point! It was informative and did not include “fluff” or “fillers”. The information was practical and thorough. The lessons were broken down into short modules that did not leave me feeling as though I’d sat through hours of lecture. I am impressed, which isn’t easy when it comes to presentations/teaching and I am signing up for a number of their other courses over the next few months.
Jovanhanna Tisdale
Confidence Life Coach
I’m excited to have completed the Certified Confidence Coach training. I have wanted to take a course like this. I felt like I wasn’t confident and taking this course I was able to see all the ways that I have been showing up and being confident. This has been an invaluable boost and I needed for my personal life and something that I’ll be able to share with others also. I discovered the source of a lot of my doubt and that was surprising. Anyway, great course!!!
Shallie Bey
Emotional Intelligence Life Coach Certification
This is exactly what I was looking for. My area of interest is coaching entrepreneurs working in small businesses to handle the gears that are generated within small business environments.
Lidia Claudia Berestecki
Entrepreneurship and Business Life Coach Certification
Absolutely the best entrepreneurial coaching for business success I’ve ever encountered. And I’ve been doing this for over 30 years as an accountant/business consultant/fraud examiner. Thank you.
Leslie Homier
Entrepreneurship and Business Life Coach Certification
I thoroughly enjoyed the mastery exhibited by both instructors. Their candor and acumen regarding the course study; truly exemplifies the magnitude of their skillset. They simplified the process and attributed real life scenarios to facilitate the content into digestible pieces of content. Thank you for giving wonderful blueprints for me to tweak and tailor towards my niche. You made a difficult life transition palatable. Once again, “Thank you”, and I look forward to investing in more of your courses. They both represent a team of scholars I can truly trust with my business aspirations!
Chrisette Lightley
Forgiveness Life Coach Certification
A life-changing experience! I have grown so much as a person. This isn’t only a Forgiveness Life Coach program, but also a Spiritual Development course. A big thank you to everyone who compiled this certification!
Haddy Abra
Forgiveness Life Coach Certification
I don’t recall ever taking a course which resonated so deeply at a personal level. As a retired Clinical counsellor and student of life, the concepts presented are not all new to me, however, the manner in which they are presented are to be commended. Great course! I highly recommend it.
Holy Way
Forgiveness Life Coach Certification
Thank you so much for this extraordinary, powerful, uplifting, utterly inspiring, life-changing course – it is so deeply moving ! It is one of the few courses, I have taken, that I know I will revisit time and again. I have been immensely helped by it, through a particularly difficult time. Thank you all, for the work and love you put into it!
Susan Patricia Kingdon
Goal Success Life Coach Certification
I am addicted to Joeel and Natalie Rivera courses. Another course completed, although will still come back to this again and again as I enhance my skills and progress. This course was useful for myself, my own goals and success, as well as for helping others to recognise and achieve theirs. You get what you put in. It is recommended to complete all the exercises in order to help oneself, gain insight and awareness in oneself, in order to be better able to help others. Highly recommended. Thank you Joeel and Natalie for your teachings and Light in this world. Bless you both.
Carla Pursnani
Goal Success Life Coach Certification
This course was a great match for me, both as a person and as a professional. I have let doubt and fear prevent me from success my entire career. I’ve been looking for a way to break through that. I’ve also been unhappy with my career for decades, but have been too afraid to change. This course has given me new ideas to run with. I love the change cycle and focus on a growth mindset. If I can break the change cycle with your coarse it will change my life. Thanks!
Amorelle Shemaîah
Group Life Coach Certification
This is the type of training I have been waiting for since…. FOREVER! The value in information is beyond worth the cost. I feel completely justified in purchasing and sitting in this course. Excellent job on content and delivery! I am completely satisfied with it – completely!
Group Life Coach Certification
I’ve been a Weight Loss Coach for over 5yrs now. My approach has always been from a coaching perspective, but I was just kinda self-taught. That’s how I was able to lose nearly 70lbs and also maintain. I was my worst client and after over a 10yr battle I finally cracked it and wanted to help others to do the same.
The first 3 yrs went really well, I helped 100’s of people, won awards, opened 2 Centres but I just felt that not enough people were getting the results that they could get. I know it’s never just about the food. It’s the purpose of the food (emotional etc.) someone’s belief & values and so on, but I was doing the best I could with what I had and what I knew. So I decided to learn more and go to actual training courses. I’d spent 3yrs watching YouTube, reading etc. But felt I needed proper training. So for the past 2yrs I have been training as a Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner and Life Coach.
I spent £1000’s upon £1000’s on workshops, training & mentorship only to be left feeling even more lost & scared than before I first started! I’ve been ripped off, conned and not properly trained. Fortunately, within the past 6/7 months I met some really good trainers and trained/qualified again in Hypno & NLP, but I was still feeling lost!
And any time I’ve payed for help I’ve been ripped off! Until I found Joeel & Natalie Rivera’s Group Life Coaching Course. All I can say is THANK YOU!! The sense of weight that has been lifted thanks to you guys! You’ll never know how truly grateful I am. I have hope and belief that I know and have a way that I can do what I want to do and turn my vision into reality! Your honesty, openness, knowledge and willingness to share for me is a breath of fresh air! So again, thank you.
I believe things happen for a reason, that I had to go through all of that to find this.
So, no matter where you are in your journey just keep doing the best that you can with what you have, keep moving forward and yea there may be struggled at times, but these are just opportunities to learn and grow from.
Holly Marie Gardner
Happiness Life Coach Certification
As I am working my way through the course required to get my Master Certification, I am more confident and impressed with the materials presented and taught by Joeel and Natalie. I know without any hesitation that I have gone with the right coaches to further my journey both as a person and as a coach myself. Thank you for all of your efforts in bringing these courses to life Joeel and Natalie!
Joel Jayakar
Happiness Life Coach Certification
I have to thank you both for the wonderful courses that helped me to improve a lot as an individual. You are doing a fantastic job. You can teach some topics like a school teacher and some like a university professor. You are living lessons to the present and next generations. Please continue the same work and introduce many other fields to us. I personally feel extremely happy to take a course from you because I don’t look at the time until the course gets completed. I get immersed into the subject and this shows how good you are at teaching. I can keep talking about you and your work, but it should be terminated at some point. Finally, I would like to say that I have a life changer here in the form of Transformation Academy and it gives me an opportunity to change the lives of many around me.
Health and Nutrition Life Coach Certification
I am a holistic health practitioner and I have many certifications. I already had a certification as a Nutrition Consultant, Personal Trainer and Life Coach before taking this course. This has got to be the BEST online health and nutrition certification I have taken!! Lots of information explained and handouts after each video. I love it!!!! Thank you!!!!
Jaun-Marie Behr
Health and Nutrition Life Coach Certification
I loved a lot of things about this course, but what I love the most is that after completion, I am ready to apply my knowledge! This course provides a lot of information, and the tools provided enables you to start working right away. I am filled with confidence as a result of this course, and I am excited to do more courses by Joeel & Natalie, as well as Sanda. I received my certificate, and they also provide you with links for social media!
Yasmin Naylor
Hypnosis Practitioner Course
Amazing course! Absolutely loved it! I practice hypnotherapy with my clients and even so, I have learnt rather a lot, from this course. Literally done my first fully successful rapid induction with a first take, I felt like “WOW”. Progressive induction is second nature in my practice, but for about a year I was struggling, more miss than hit, with Rapid Inductions. So much gratitude for this, something so small, a minor adjustment and…..done it! I highly recommend!!!! So beautifully explained as well.
Karen Dawn
Life Coaching Business Masterclass
Joeel and Natalie have changed the course of my life. They have given me the tools and the confidence to move forward with my dreams. I’m taking several of their coaching certification courses and it just keeps getting better. I’ve put a lot of thought and effort into designing my own learning experience and their support is more than I ever dreamed possible through online courses such as these.
Michael Schmeeckle
Life Coaching Business Masterclass
I am very Happy to have purchased this course and the others that I have from this Dynamic Duo of Joeel & Natalie Rivera!!! I will be purchasing (everything) they have to offer as the months/years go by. Thank you for doing what you do, help us Life Coaches that have a Passion/Dream to help others, but have been struggling to do it. I have had my business for 3 1/2 years, with a niche’ that works. But, I have been struggling the entire time. In the past few weeks, I am redesigning my foundation and building upon what I have started and reapplying it in ways to will succeed! Thank you once again to Joeel & Natalie Rivera, for there there for us coaches!!!
Mirley Guerra Graf
Life Coaching Business Masterclass
This is the course that I needed. I couldn’t figure out my niche and everyone always started with Finding Your Tribe. No wonder I couldn’t find my niche. I didn’t even know the purpose of my blog! This course helps you find your niche then find your tribe. This course is worth gold and if you’re not sure what your purpose is, then this course is a definite must.
Prudence McDaniel
Life Coaching Business Masterclass
This course answered all my questions – filled in the necessary steps for creating and presenting my coaching package for my potential clients. Thank you for de-mystifying the process and helping to bring me to clarity. Priceless!
Veronika Velkova
Life Purpose Coach Certification
Thank you for another amazing 5 stars course! I did some other coaching programs before but I never got the confidence to become a coach. After doing the Professional Life Coach course, Happiness Life Coach course, Goal Setting for Success course and the Life Purpose Life Coach course I feel confident enough to start my coaching journey and help other people with their life journeys. Thank you for everything you are doing!
Life Purpose Coach Certification
Amazing Course, it takes you step by step toward finding your purpose, if you have basic coaching knowledge, have been asking the big question (What is my purpose) or you are looking to know yourself better and help others do the same, fasten your seatbelt because you are about to go on a joy ride with many AHA moments!
Darlene Reinig
Life Purpose Coach Certification
I am now working on my final course towards my master certification. I listen to the lectures every morning, when I’m driving, and on my breaks. I love the worksheets, so informative. I’m learning so much about myself in the process.
Andrea Brown
Life Purpose Coach Certification
I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to provide such a powerful resource. I’ve known I wanted to Coach for a while now and have been on a “journey of self-discovery” for quite some time. I’ve accomplished a lot in the last year but was really looking for some clarification. I’m grateful to say I did find it within myself from taking the course along with several ‘aha moments’. I also feel confident moving forward with a professional step by step guide I can implement with clients. I LOVE the mindset activity as it is a great tool to show people the power of their mind. I’m a huge positive self-image advocate and want to teach people the power of how they unconsciously see themselves. I am truly appreciative and look forward to one day working with you or possibly collaborating in the future.
Mark Galbraith
Life Purpose Coach Certification
Well done. I enjoyed the course but here’s the kicker: The exercises were challenging. In fact, a few were REALLY HARD TO DO…but you knew that already, didn’t you? For me, the entire process of doing these exercises was beyond anything I expected to experience. I found I had to go back and look at a lot of things that I had not really gone through in the context of WHY (purpose) or in a manner that was a summation of my life experience and my personal psychology: my experiences, messages, environmental conditioning, pain–and of course joy and love. Brilliant. And the culmination of writing a manifesto was completely unexpected. It turned out to be an amazing experience and resulting in a transformational document (as you know) that clearly showed the result of the introspection exercises. These courses I’m taking are really helping me grow into my authentic self, and to find a way to teach/coach/work in a new way: helping people figure their shit out and be true to their passion.
Tim Cooke
Master Life Coach Certification
Thank you so much for the wonderful program you put together. The information was enlightening and reinforced so many beliefs that I have. I was looking forward to taking my time to complete the online training at a calm pace. But it was so engaging I kept hitting “next” and finished MUCH sooner than originally planned! This was exactly what I was looking for and would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to expand their coaching abilities. Thanks for being awesome and have a great day!
Eric “Bones” Jones
Master Life Coach Certification
I’ve been interested in pursuing a career in Life Coaching for the past couple of years. I looked at many online schools and courses but didn’t see anything that I really connected with until I found you guys. I really enjoyed the course. I’ve actually gone back to revisit several sections as I was completing the course. I feel like I’m on the right path in pursuing a career in Life Coaching. Thank you again for giving me the spark I needed to get started on my journey to becoming a full time Life Coach.
Aremisa Hailey
Master Life Coach Certification
I am so excited that I finished the requirements for the Master Life Coach certification. The information was AMAZING. Thank you so much for the dedication and wisdom that you put into the program. I absolutely enjoyed doing the worksheets. Such valuable tools that I can’t wait to use.
Linda Mackey
Master Life Coach Certification
l had no idea how life changing this course would be, not only as a therapist, but as a human being. It helped me to understand my fellow man a lot more but also created an understanding and an empathy for the human experience. As a therapist it was invaluable on so many levels, l can’t wait to put all I’ve learnt from you into practice. The course was so thorough and easy to understand, the teachers were engaging and explained everything so everyone could understand it and every section was filled with life changing information. I plan to do many more of your courses, and I thank you for the bottom of my heart for making me a better therapist and human being. Keep up the wonderful work and keep making a difference
Tim P.
Master Life Coach Certification
Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have no idea how much this transformed my being. I have a coach/mentor that sent me a list of 38 classes to consider. You know I looked at them all. But, when I saw you and Joeel, I knew that was it. Like a pair of pants off the rack that fits like your own skin. It was me. You two are exactly where I am in my life today. It was as if I was presenting the class to myself. It was such a perfect fit, I asked my mentor if this was just some sort of test to see if I would pick the right course among all the others. She said no. She’s never taken the course, but everything we’ve been discussing in our coaching sessions was there. Like she’d planted it. The Universe has spoken. I’m on the right path. There will be obstacles. I will find my way through. I will succeed. I thank you both for giving me a solid foundation to launch my rocket to success!
Michelle Foster
Professional Life Coach Certification
Today I want to express my gratitude for Joeel and Natalie. Before I found your classes, I was in another group that teaches life coaching. What I learned there approximately two years ago was how to NOT be a coach. It was a valuable lesson. I am eternally grateful to have found you! Your gentleness, your sense of joy and fun, and your non-judgement are a valued part of my morning ritual. Because of your guidance, I have found myself in a position that I never dreamed could have been possible. (I am working on dreaming bigger LOL). Now I have the opportunity to impact so many lives in such an important way.
Ricky Huffman
Professional Workshop Facilitator Certification
You Guys Rock! So i have been working on building my Ministry for years adding a piece here and there. WOW!!! This course gave me the knowledge to not one improve my Ministry but help me book an event that could take me to the next level. This is a Amazing body of work you have put together, I would recommend it to every one looking to flourish in this field.
Daysi Moreno
Professional Workshop Facilitator Certification
This course is fantastic! The course content is very interesting, once you start watching the videos you do not want to stop, I really enjoy it. I just wanted to refresh what I learned in college (public speaking class) however I got more than that. The instructors are the best ever!
Mahindra Jith
Professional Workshop Facilitator Certification
This course changed the way I commanded a room, or a class, and my presence – the aura and how I took control of the audience. Besides holding their attention, I was able to motivate and make them feel good about themselves after my lessons. It would greatly help anyone who wishes to improve their presentations.
Ian Lucas
Professional Workshop Facilitator Certification
Professional presentation/presenters. No wasted words. Passion & enthusiasm shine through consistently. EXCELLENCE IN MOTION. BE ENCOURAGED.
Tia Bryant
Quantum Leap Your Business in 6 Weeks for Entrepreneurs
This has been a very informative course. It has literally taken me step by step into launching my business. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone looking to follow a simple systematic approach to launching a business.
Ms.Rosline Loutsios
Quantum Leap Your Business in 6 Weeks for Entrepreneurs
Excellent! This is a course of great value for anybody who aspires to own a business. It is extremely well structured and presented at an easy pace with an abundance of pertinent information at every stage.
Quantum Leap Your Business in 6 Weeks for Entrepreneurs
This entire program is significantly helping me to look into every corner of myself regarding why I am wanting this business, what is my service really about and reflecting about my money mindset. I am so grateful for this course as I am really discovering things that I wasn’t aware of such as my money mindset. Now I see clearly how I have been sabotaging myself. It is exactly what I need at this phase of my business. Thank you very much.
Yasmine Naylor
REBT Life Coach Certification
Another fantastic course. really enjoyed this. I would highly recommend to anyone who would like to understand the dynamics of their thinking and to get to the core with change work. As for coaches, this one is in my toolbox, there are fabulous resources, and work sheets, and then with some great self discoveries and insights from statements which where made in the course and by completing the coursework, which would be applicable to teach and use with your clients for their understanding of the self. Looking forward to using these. Engaging and very knowledgeable on the subject, the information is very clear and easy to follow. (p.s. not first time learning about REBT, but the way it is presented is like taking a month long course in a few days, but having the understanding of studying for a few months.) Thank you so much!
Dee Corley
REBT Mindset Life Coach Certification
You’ve also given me courage to explore how to market my skills as a coach, as well as helped me to fully embrace my confidence around my skills as a great life coach. I’ve been stuck for years, slowly growing as I practiced and helped people I know to shift and transform areas of their lives. This is what I want to do with my life, and I’m very good at it. So, I’m ready to expand my limits and learn what I yet need to learn to market myself. Again, thank you!
Kalpana Nagindas
Relationship Workshop Facilitator Certification
Thank you for this amazing course. I really enjoyed the course. You have shared some wonderful tools and techniques. I feel enriched and empowered to help others transform their relationships. As I worked through the worksheets, it has transformed me and empowered me.
Gary Poier
Rewrite Your Life Story Script and Transform Your Life
This course was excellent. The content was presented in a professional manner and it really made me think about the story I was telling myself and others about who I was. The content also made me think about the story I wanted to tell beginning today and just where I want to go with my life. The one suggestion I have for the course is that the PDF’s could use some editing.
Jacques Potter
Rewrite Your Life Story Script and Transform Your Life
So far, the class outline, content and pace is creating an excellent learning environment. If this class is anything like Joeel and Natalie other courses, it will be extremely beneficial!
Michelle Boyett
Set Boundaries and Take Your Power Back!
Joeel and Natalie always supply lots of information and worksheets and encourage us to take our knowledge to the next level and to embrace who we are and what we could bring to others thru our life experience. They have encouraged me to my own courses so I’m going for it.
Thanks for being available for us
Mamikie Molapo
Set Boundaries and Take Your Power Back!
Awesome material. It speaks directly to my situation and has given me tools to implement immediately. Thank you
Rian Pelati
Shamanic Life Coach Certification
I am an entrepreneur, DJ and coach and my quest in life has always been to study and gain new knowledge. So to make a long story short, about six months ago I suddenly out of nowhere spiraled into what many call “the dark night of the soul”. I felt my life was failing, I lost my passion for music and life and was severely spiritually depressed. Being a very spiritual person I turned to meditation at the time and received a message that I have lost my heart song and had to find it again. So a journey of deep reflection and pain began. Being a coach and a shamanic practitioner I turned to the tools that I knew could help. The Native American Medicine Wheel and furthering my coaching studies.
This led me to your Shamanic Life Coaching Program a few months ago. I eagerly enrolled and things started changing.
Like you, Natalie, I could not stop consuming knowledge and I joined Transformation Academy as a student. I consumed course after course, including completing your Master Life Coach and business coach programs to turn my business around. And as I was doing this, things started shifting. I started seeing hope. My DJ mix tracks suddenly reached top 20 placements on Top 100 charts. My business partners changed their perspectives. Things got much better. Thank you for helping me change, and making changes where it is so desperately needed in my life. You have touched my heart, and helped it to sing again.
I am proud to be one of your tribe members and can honestly give all your courses I have done so far (17 I think) seven stars.
I highly recommend Transformation Academy to anyone wanting to change themselves or to take coaching to the next level.
Sharon O’Farrell
Time Management, Prioritization and Productivity
This is an excellent course from start to finish with good additional resources accompanying the videos. I particularly got a lot out of the email management and I learned a new way of looking at everything that totally cut out the feeling of overwhelm for me when I even THINK about time management..lol. I’ve always prided myself as being a decent multitasker but truthfully, it can be exhausting, so to hear a fresh perspective on it from Joeel & Natalie shifted my perspective on it and with some changes of how I do things from now on, I can be way more productive without the risk of ‘spinning my wheels’ and burning out! This was so valuable. I highly recommend this course.
Lidia Claudia Berestecki
Time Management, Prioritization and Productivity
Joelle and Natalie offer some great tips for time-management, prioritization and productivity that should be mandatory reading for anyone entering the job force. It is also a great refresher for those who’ve been in the workforce but know that there’s a better way to do it – spot on and the PDF resource worksheets add great value to this informative course. Thank you.
Lotus Josiah
Time Management, Prioritization and Productivity
Joeel and Natalie are a power couple. This particular course is for the busy professional or anyone who desires to manage their time more effectively, and as a result become more succesful in accomplishing their goals and objective. The course’ speed is perfectly timed, the content transmitted concise and with a lfot of energy. The resouces provided during this course are additional bonusses to keep you organized. Do check out any of this couple’s other courses; they are fun and effective.
Connie Kimler Hollis
Time Management, Prioritization and Productivity
I have needed to take this course all my life! I think quiet frankly it should be taught in grade school, along with goal setting. I am thrilled to finally get some true training to better myself so I can better serve my clients. Well I have finished! Learned a lot, love that I have steps to approach being better at time & production. Now I can feel confident to put these things in practice for myself and then pass it on to my clients.
Ivon Timmermans
Transformation Life Coach Certification
(No more expensive certified coaching courses by big names for me!) This is a great (almost ‘business in a box’) course, full of (NLP) tips, tools, templates (PDFs) and an easy to follow, step by step PROGRAM for both aspiring coaches who could need a template to guide them through their first coaching session with a new client, as well as for experienced coaches who want to help their clients to change or broaden their way of thinking, to make life a lot more easy and fun! : ) You’ll be able to build CONFIDENCE and SELF-WORTH, even if your environment doesn’t encourage you. Also, for people who want to learn about MINDFULNESS or shut up their inner critic once and for all, by replacing negative behaviors, thoughts and feelings with happy, positive ones. With lots of examples, Natalie and Joeel show you exactly how to go along this process of HOW to make a custom plan and implement it. There will be roadblocks, some ‘failure’ along the journey will be inevitable, and eventually success will be inevitable.
Karl Jeffery
Use Public Speaking to Sell from the Stage/Get Coaching Clients with Workshops
Well presented with clear, concise guidance from 2 experts in the industry. Going through this helped me realize that what I was currently offering my clients was just the tip of the iceberg. It also helped me dive deeper to bring out far more authenticity and uniqueness. This is what makes me noticeably different from the others who also provide service in the same industry as me.
The worksheets and activities are where the true value of this course becomes apparent. Take the course, take the time to do the activities, and you’ll WOW yourself with how much value you actually have to give others. I am happy to recommend this course to anyone looking for a way to structure one day workshops, or those thinking about setting up a way of teaching others what they know online.
Nicholas Usui-Crook
Use Public Speaking to Sell from the Stage/Get Coaching Clients with Workshops
Completely Blew my Mind! Exceeded expectations. I am surprised they are giving away such quality information. I’d say I’ve seen these techniques used previously but have never seen them broken down and given to you step by step. Big thanks, and I know now my workshops will deliver, for the participants, and for my business. Can’t wait!!!
Wanda Walker
Use Public Speaking to Sell from the Stage/Get Coaching Clients with Workshops
This course really helped me to understand how I can improve my workshops through community education and lead to private coaching clients without violating the community education rules! This also will help me to improve my workshops by focusing more on one thing than trying to cover everything that’s related to a subject!
Karl Jeffrey
Work Life Balance
5 out of 5 stars. I’ve been self-employed (in various forms) since 1997. How different my life would be today had I known 5-10 years ago the things I learned from this course. I’m a huge fan of Joeel & Natalie’s courses. They always fill them with passion and content which is packed with quality. This course is no exception. I have gotten so many takeaways and gems from this that I’ve already started implementing, and already started seeing and feeling the results from. This course is one of those rare ones that could accurately be described as “life changing”.
Danielle Johnson
Write Epic Marketing and Sales Copy
I always like their courses. They explain things well and always have great worksheets to go with the courses. Perfect for someone who is trying to build their website.
Claudia Rodriguez
Write Epic Marketing and Sales Copy
Great content! It has a lot of value and it’s delivered in a clear and easy to understand way. The worksheets have helped me to start writing my marketing copy and I feel so much more confident in what I offer! Thanks!
Danielle Varnham
Many Courses
I’ve completed four of your marvelous courses. Thank you so much for all the time and effort you’ve put into these courses. They’re so valuable. It’s so much easier for me to complete courses online than in person, and having videos brings the instruction right into the room with me, making it much more interesting and engaging than merely reading books.
I’ve been working as an English teacher for more than ten years. This past year I got very depressed. I had to take unpaid leave because I couldn’t cope with everyday life. This was the signal for me to look for help. I started seeing a psychiatrist, and I went to a life coach, whom my brother knows through his work. I also hit 40 this year.
Things happen for a reason, although we can’t always see what that reason was until later. My descent into depression was the trigger for me to decide to change my life and having life coaching opened up a world of possibilities that I never thought of. I’m now pursuing my dream of being and artist, and I want to spread joy. So, I’m also going to be a life coach! … They say life begins at forty!