Category: Life Coaching

Life Coaching 101: Why the Life Coaching Industry Will GROW in the New Economy: Life Coaching Industry Synopsis

The TRUTH about Life Coach Certifications and Accreditation (Becoming a Life Coach)

Life Coaching 101: Life Coaching vs Consulting (and the Niche Coaching Hybrid)

Life Coaching 101: What Does it Take to Be a Successful Life Coach?

The #1 Life Coaching Mistake: Trying to Coach Everyone

Avoid the 3 BIGGEST MISTAKES Life Coaches Make (#1: Trying to Coach EVERYONE)

Life Coaching Mistake #2: Trying to Sell Coaching

2nd Biggest Mistake: Trying to Sell “Coaching” (Package Your Gift)

Life Coaching Mistake #3: Believing Passion is Enough

3rd Biggest Mistake: Believing Passion is Enough instead of Mastering Your Marketing Message (Elevator Pitch)

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